Welcome to our podcast series!
This series is dedicated to providing internet marketing education to physicians, dentists and medical practices for better business development and overall patient communication.
We enjoy talking about what we do. When it comes to the latest marketing trends, we break down what works, what doesn’t, and provide our expert insight on how to cultivate an internet marketing strategy that works best for your medical practice. Our podcast series gives you the opportunity to get to know who Glacial Multimedia is, and the voices behind your website and internet marketing.
If you hear something you like, or want to learn more about, feel free to contact us for more information and a member of our team would be happy to discuss with you.
Who is Glacial Multimedia?
We are an internet marketing and website development company focused on bridging the gap between medical practices and their consumers. We are Premier Google Partners, we are award winning website and software developers, we are dedicated marketing consultants, SEO strategists, and so much more.
Our knowledge comes from real-world experience. If there is a new marketing trend, chances are we’ve tried it… and can let you know here if it all worked out, and how.